Use your company's products, found that the shell actually has a voltage, is this a normal situation? Will it cause harm to the human body?

Due to EMI requirements, the input of the general POWER SUPPLY will be connected to the FG (shell) through some noise filtering capacitors, resulting in the phenomenon that the shell is charged. However, there are also clear specifications for this phenomenon in the IEC60950-1. For example, the leakage current of information equipment must be lower than 3.5mA, which can be solved as long as it is properly grounded.

Nov 07,2023

Our system uses the output ground (GND) and the earth (FG) as the common point. Is it feasible to apply your company's power supply products?

Yes, because the company's products are isolated design, your company's system (Ground) and the earth (Frame Ground) are basically matched together in the safety regulations is no problem, but pay attention to the impact of EMI.

Nov 07,2023

What is the reason for measuring two sets of output power supplies, 5V is correct, but 12V is beyond the specification?

Many groups (more than 2 groups) of output models in Chuanglian products have the requirements of Min.Load. Please refer to the specification before use. When 5V/4A,12V/0A, the 12V output voltage is on the high side, about 12.8V, which exceeds 6%(12.72V) in the specification. At this time, if 0.3A Min. Load is added to the 12V according to the specification, the 12V output voltage can be reduced to about 12.3V.

Nov 07,2023

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